What is Domination culture?
We could be playing the game of let's make life wonderful. Instead in this culture we play the game of who is right.
Domination culture functions in a power hierarchy where somebody is going to be right which means that somebody has to be wrong.
This hierarchy sets us up to compete with one another and is the basis for most of the violence in our society today.
For the last 8,000 years or so, people have lived under hierarchical systems where minorities with power have dominated majorities without power by means of violence that is mainly subtle and structural (with physical violence as a last resort).
The features of domination culture include blame, shame, reward and punishment, duty and obligation, and doctrines of right and wrong – all of which are so deeply ingrained that it is hard for us to unlearn them on our way to practicing Nonviolent communication.
While Nonviolent communication is clearly a process of personal development, the way it challenges domination culture makes it intensely political as well.
In this culture we have to jockey for position and prove our worthiness. It is a culture that disconnects us from ourselves and from others.
As part of this thinking we have to do a couple of actions to make it real. Like Diagnosis of myself and others. Make demands of other people where I tell you that you do not have any choice. (Move to language, Must language, Should language). It is the basis of rebellion or submission. Denial of choice where we obey the people in power so that we do not have to take responsibility for our actions. We give our power away. The simplest form of hierarchy is in the family. Who knows. The parent knows. Then you move to school. Then the teachers know. The principal knows the best. Then when we work the boss knows. Throughout our culture we have set up these structures.
Just as a sub note. This is not talking about leaders. Leaders inspire us. Make us what to do things from our own free will.

How does the current money system promote: Domination culture?
When we create money from debt. Money will flow from those creating the debt to those who earn interest. Positive Money explains this best: See More https://youtu.be/ZzCegQVljdY
Here is a study done by Paul K. Piff showing some observations of a domination culture and money: See More https://youtu.be/bJ8Kq1wucsk
In a debt based system like ours, you need to be debt worthy to create money. Higher probability of repayment leads to easier loan access..
Our current money system brings us in misalignment with our core values. It promotes power struggles and opens the door for corruption in all of us. Here is an example. You work in a shop that sells lights. Next door to you another shop also sells lights. Their lights are more environmentally friendly and better for one’s eyes. But if your livelihood depends on you making the sales. Will you send the customer to the shop next door? The very question creates a separation within. It should not be this way.
For the most part people with money tell people who want some of that money what to do for money.
How does OIC create equality?
Distribution of Power
With OIC (Original Issue Currency), anyone with money can create more money as long as they spend it by protecting nature or by using energy that is already there. The reason we need a system, is to make creating money this way easy.
Valuing all life
In this life everything is connected. What you breath out, trees breath in. Killing other life forms is damaging the the balance that nature has created over many, many years. Bringing this balance into consciousness is crucial for our survival on this planet. In traditional economics life forces like the ocean, fish, underwater aquifers to name just a few are totally exploited and seen as externalities. But in OIC all these externalities are priced into the system.
Making caring and nurturing more accessible
In our current system there is only space for the masculine energy. With OIC space has been created for the feminine energy. With all of its natural caring and nurturing abilities.